Your Everyday Balance Toolkit

These four steps are your everyday balance toolkit – think of them as your coping strategy and for those times when life gives you a nudge and throws you off balance.

When you find yourself in a situation that is overwhelming, is causing you stress or burden, these four steps will help you rebalance and find your centre again so you can move forward in a considered and conscious manner.

Follow these four steps as many times as you need to until you start to feel centred and at peace again. Over time they will become instinctual and balance will seem easy to invite into your everyday.


Step 1

Your first step towards balance is to open your heart and allow gratitude to flood your mind. There is always something we can find to be grateful for and this is a great way to start to deal with any problem. Engaging your heart means you will make a decision from a place of compassion and acceptance.

Ask yourself:
What can I be grateful for in this situation or in this very moment? What do I need to accept?
Who do I need to shower with compassion?


Step 2

Your second step towards balance is to check in with your sense of identity.

Ask yourself:
Does this situation allow me to feel empowered and aligned morally and ethically?
What do I need in this moment in order to maintain congruency in who I am as a person, what I believe in and what I stand for?
How can I turn this situation into a positive experience where I feel energised and powerful?

Once you’ve checked in with your identity, now it’s time to speak your truth. Clear, authentic expression is key to allow clarity in any situation.


Step 3

Once you’ve found clarity and checked that your heart and identity are aligned, now it’s time to listen to your intuition. Tune in and listen to that ‘gut feeling’. What is it saying to you? Are you getting signals that could help you get even more clarity and perspective here?

If your intuition tells you you are on the right path, now it’s time to allow the energy to flow and find its new equilibrium. Remember, life is not static – we are dynamic human beings and our passions and creativity make us unique and give us pleasure. What can you do in this situation to bring fun and joy into your life?


Step 4

Now is the time to reach out for support if the situation calls for it. Go to those whom you can trust and feel completely safe and supported by.

The final step towards maintaining balance in your life today is to take a moment of stillness and come into the present moment with renewed intentions and peace of mind. Balance will be waiting for you on the other side of this brief but very important meditative moment.


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