Your Body & Hormones During Menstruation

This phase typically lasts 3-7 days and begins when menstruation or bleeding occurs as the lining of the uterus sheds. Think of this as the winter season of the cycle – when the body is clearing out what’s no longer needed and preparing for new growth.

The bleeding phase begins when progesterone levels drop, causing the lining of the uterus to break down and shed. During this week, your energy is the lowest it will be during your cycle. You may feel tired, withdrawn, and introspective.

Optimal Foods To Incorporate During Menstruation

Opt for plenty of healthy comfort foods like soups, bone broth, stews and vitamin-rich smoothies to help replenish lost iron and mineral stores (from blood loss).

Iron-rich foods include liver and other grass-fed animal protein, beans and leafy green vegetables. You’ll also want to consume plenty of foods rich in vitamins, which work to support energy levels during this time. Think nuts and seeds, eggs, leafy greens, mushrooms and dark chocolate.

Additionally you’ll want to ensure you’re getting enough vitamin-c rich foods (berries, citrus, leafy greens, peppers, colorful fruits and veggies), which promote iron nutrient absorption. Foods rich in zinc will work to remineralise your blood, so add in organic peanut butter and seaweed when possible.

Lastly, seek out omega 3 & 6 fatty acid rich foods like avocados, wild-caught fish, cod liver oil, hemp, sesame and sunflower seeds, which all work to lower inflammation and boost overall mood.

Recipe + Meal Ideas To Eat During Menstruation

Sweet Potato, Tamari, Ginger & Maple Soup

Chocolate Beetroot Cake

Vegan Boneless Gut-healing Broth (Available in The Yoga Kitchen Plan Recipe Book)

Mushroom Ragu, (Available in The Yoga Kitchen Recipe Book)

Beetroot Ravioli with Kale & Seaweed Salad (Available in The Yoga Kitchen Recipe Book)


Foods To Eat For Your LUTEAL PHASE