6 Simple Hacks to Rev Up Your Health

Make A Few Easy Substitutions

  • Use a mixture of flax seed and hemp oil as your salad dressing base instead of olive oil

  • Replace sunflower or canola cooking oils for olive or coconut oil

  • Replace dairy or soy milks with unsweetened almond milk

  • Switch to matcha to get your caffeine fix

Health Starts By Looking After Your Liver

The simplest way we can all start to look after our liver is to eat bitter foods. Foods such as rocket leaves, lemons, dill, Jerusalem artichokes, kale, dandelion greens, turmeric, chicory, endive, radicchio and chard. 

Make Probiotics Your New Best Friend

Taking a probiotic at the end of every day is essential for digestive health and maintains a healthy gut bacteria flora. My favourite is the Udos branded probiotics as they contain the highest amounts of micro-organisms per capsule.


Food Is For Nourishment & Enjoyment In Equal Measure

As a practicing naturopath for 11 years, I base most of my advice on the links between food and health. However, I am not a member of the ‘food police’ and I certainly don’t believe that one bar of chocolate, a cup of coffee, a freshly baked croissant, or a dollop of ice cream on your strawberries will put your health at risk for the next 10 years. I am deeply concerned about many people I see - mostly women - who have become so obsessed with food that they worry about every forkful that goes into their mouths. Diet regimes and labeling your diet has become the norm. "I am vegan” "I only eat paleo” “I don’t eat carrots, I don’t want any sugar in my diet”. Of course, its great to eat organic if you can and its important to consume less animals fat, salt, sugar but healthy eating should never be about deprivation

Where you choose to put your stake in the ground is totally up to you and your definition of health for your body is your decision and your decision alone. All I ask is that you take the time to educate yourself on health and put into practice the things you decide are right for you.

Be Unashamedly You

The best part about growing older has been the comfort I have found in my own skin. I love being me and always make time for myself to continue to find myself and learn new things. We are all gifts to this world and everyone deserves to be able to just be unashamedly themselves. There is only one you!

Be Thankful For What You Have; You'll End Up Having More

I have a morning priming routine which I never leave the house without doing. The cornerstone of this ritual is to focus on 3 things I am grateful for in that moment. By taking the time to appreciate what I have, I always leave the house and start my day feeling like my glass is half full and allows me to go about my day always feeling lucky and inspired. Try it, it works!


12 Healthy Eating Habits


The Nutritionism Model & Food Industry Today